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United States, Albania, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Moldova, Montenegro, Netherlands, North Macedonia, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom
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Solutions for Insurances

CLIMATIG for Insurances

Provide physical climate risk coverage at an accurate price.

Get risk portfolios that cover climate hazards up to year 2100⁠— drought, heavy precipitation, river and coastal flood, tropical cyclones, hail, spring frost and more.

Why do insurances need Climate intelligence?
  • Climate-related losses are a serious concern for insurances, both in their investments and underwriting for liabilities.
  • The insurance industry needs to adapt to climate change. But how?
  • With Climate Intelligence, insurances can identify, measure, and take action against the greatest physical climate risks; wildfires, drought, floods, tropical cyclones, rising sea levels and more.
  • Insurances can narrow the protection gap by providing accurately priced policies— protecting customers, the economy, and their balance sheets.
The simplest way to analyze physical climate risks for insurers in Europe
  • Generate detailed risk portfolios within a matter of minutes

  • No more generic solutions

  • Create tailor-fit risk & investment assessment portfolios without doing all the research yourself

  • Quantify physical & transition risks in the face of climate change
  • Accurately predict costs involving physical and transition risks so you can bring climate analytics into your key processes⁠— financial portfolio building, screening, lending, and underwriting
  • Provide insurance products that your customers will love
  • Climate disasters leave families, businesses, and governments to pick up the bill
  • Take the stress out of insurance claims with science-backed policies that your customers can truly understand
  • Become the next industry leader with expert-led technology

  • Offer new insights as risk experts so you can cater to investors who are eager to put money into the emerging green economy

Offer holistic financial services with CLIMATIG

Go from this…

  • Struggling with lack of data & risk information on climate change
  • Trying to address low take-up rates for disaster insurance
  • Spending huge amounts of time and money on creating climate-ready insurance products

to this!

  • CLIMATIG will gather all the data you need & turn them into comprehensive analytics so you can generate risk reduction reports, risk financing plans, & risk transfer measures with confidence
  • Educate your customers without scaring them away. With accurate data and reliable forecasts, you can attract more risk-aware policyholders
  • No need to outsource a whole team of experts or build your own climate-focused team from scratch! With CLIMATIG, your own team can run cost predictions in just a few clicks. Our platform is so intuitive that even your non-tech savvy staff can use it easily

Go from this…

to this!

  • Struggling with lack of data & risk information on climate change
  • CLIMATIG will gather all the data you need & turn them into comprehensive analytics so you can generate risk reduction reports, risk financing plans, & risk transfer measures with confidence
  • Trying to address low take-up rates for disaster insurance
  • Educate your customers without scaring them away. With accurate data and reliable forecasts, you can attract more risk-aware policyholders
  • Spending huge amounts of time and money on creating climate-ready insurance products
  • No need to outsource a whole team of experts or build your own climate-focused team from scratch! With CLIMATIG, your own team can run cost predictions in just a few clicks. Our platform is so intuitive that even your non-tech savvy staff can use it easily

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