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Solutions for Government 
Officials & Policymakers

CLIMATIG for Government 
Officials & Policymakers

Build a secure future for your constituents.

Protect the supply chain, build resilient public infrastructures, and adhere to climate agreements⁠— exercise good governance with expert-led climate intelligence from CLIMATIG.

Why do local governments need Climate intelligence?

The public sector has neglected climate change for decades.

  • Now that the world is demanding for climate action, government officials & policymakers need to shift from merely giving it attention to actively addressing it.

  • Climate Intelligence can move government agencies to action by helping them identify, measure, and analyze physical climate risks; cutting down on years worth of research & manpower needed to start protecting supply chains, infrastructure, and properties (both private & public).

  • Today’s technology is already helping us mitigate tomorrow’s risks.

  • The solutions are already here.

  • Our leaders just need to use and promote them.

Climate action made simple for government leaders in Europe
  • Secure the supply chain.

  • Generate cost forecasts for extreme weather events that can lead to crop failures, fishery collapse, water insecurity, flooding, and mass displacement.

  • Accurate budgeting for public infrastructure.
  • Secure future public infrastructures against the effects of climate change without the guesswork.
  • Integrate physical climate risk scores and cost predictions in choosing locations, manpower, and budget plans.
  • Government-led Resilience Planning.
  • Get actionable data about where, when, and how climate disasters are bound to affect your jurisdiction.
  • Generate reports that everyone can understand⁠— from government staff to ordinary citizens.
  • A great way to keep your promises.
  • Adhering to global efforts for climate action like the Paris Agreement, European Research and Innovation Roadmap for Climate Services, UN’s SDGs is a huge challenge.
  • With CLIMATIG, government units can create Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan (SECAP) and Risk and Vulnerability Assessment (RVA); bringing climate action to the forefront of governance.

Climate intelligence without added barriers

Go from this…

  • Spending more time acquiring climate intel instead of using it in practice
  • Struggling to disseminate physical climate risk information and disaster prevention measures to the public
  • Leaving public infrastructure & supply chains unprotected against impending climate disasters

to this!

  • Generate reliable, accurate, and actionable climate intelligence in a matter of minutes⁠— from forecasts, risk scores, all the way to data visualization
  • Keep your constituents informed without confusing them. CLIMATIG is an accessible climate intelligence platform where anyone (yes, even non-tech savvy staff!) can run numbers, generate reports, and access explainable analytics
  • Back decisions & policies with insights that ensure a safer jurisdiction in the present and more resilient projects for the future

Go from this…

to this!

  • Spending more time acquiring climate intel instead of using it in practice
  • Generate reliable, accurate, and actionable climate intelligence in a matter of minutes⁠— from forecasts, risk scores, all the way to data visualization
  • Struggling to disseminate physical climate risk information and disaster prevention measures to the public
  • Keep your constituents informed without confusing them. CLIMATIG is an accessible climate intelligence platform where anyone (yes, even non-tech savvy staff!) can run numbers, generate reports, and access explainable analytics
  • Leaving public infrastructure & supply chains unprotected against impending climate disasters
  • Back decisions & policies with insights that ensure a safer jurisdiction in the present and more resilient projects for the future

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