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Solutions for Agriculturists
 & Farm Owners

CLIMATIG for Agriculturists
 & Farm Owners

Invest in properties that can withstand climate change.

Adapt your asset & portfolio valuations to incorporate physical climate risks⁠— get cost predictions involving extreme weather events up to year 2100.

Why do agriculturists and farm owners need Climate intelligence?

Climate change touches almost every aspect of a property’s value.

  • Climate change is an imminent threat to the agriculture sector— rainfall patterns change, droughts & floods grow more intense, and even pests become harder to control because of their changing behaviors.

  • These conditions also make future production hard to predict and thus, hard to manage.

  • The farming industry can use AI-powered platforms to generate cost predictions, optimize resilience planning, and analyze how climate hazards are set to affect operating costs.

  • With the complexities of climate science out of the way, farmers can focus on more important things such as monitoring crop & soil quality and temperatures, and increasing their yields.

  • Climate Intelligence empowers key decision makers to protect our farmers and communities from impending supply disruption and food insecurity.

Climate Intelligence for farming operations
  • Risk management for crop production.

  • Avoid crop damages by letting CLIMATIG identify when’s the best time to plant and where’s the best place to store them.

  • Enhance agriculture financing.

  • Put resilience at the forefront of your planning & budgeting systems.

  • Invest in climate-resilient farms.

  • Assess farming locations for long-term feasibility with CLIMATIG’s end-to-end climate intelligence platform & portfolio-building features.

  • End-to-end improvement in operations.
  • Leverage cost predictions, climate risk scoring systems, and data forecasts for better farm management⁠— from resilience planning, crop planting, yield processing & storage, and equipment distribution.

Enabling precision agriculture with Climate Intelligence

Go from this…

  • Relying on short-term forecasting for crop planning & crop management
  • Sitting on unused data & sticking to inefficient farming methods
  • Struggling to connect with industry experts on climate resilience

to this!

  • Get precise climate risk forecasting up to the year 2100
  • Uncover opportunities to optimize your crop & yield performance. Integrate your agribusiness with the most advanced climate science— simply enter your asset’s location and CLIMATIG will generate comprehensive climate risk reports for you
  • Let us take all the hassle of extensive research, calculations, and analytics off your plate. With CLIMATIG, you have access to expert-led climate technology at your fingertips

Go from this…

to this!

  • Relying on short-term forecasting for crop planning & crop management
  • Get precise climate risk forecasting up to the year 2100
  • Sitting on unused data & sticking to inefficient farming methods
  • Uncover opportunities to optimize your crop & yield performance. Integrate your agribusiness with the most advanced climate science— simply enter your asset’s location and CLIMATIG will generate comprehensive climate risk reports for you
  • Struggling to connect with industry experts on climate resilience
  • Let us take all the hassle of extensive research, calculations, and analytics off your plate. With CLIMATIG, you have access to expert-led climate technology at your fingertips

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