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The term climate intelligence (CI) refers to the process of using data and scientific methods to identify, assess, and monitor the effects of climate change.

Climate intelligence is designed to improve decision making regarding both current and future climate impacts.

It’s the ability to interpret the changing climate, and make sense of the information. It’s understanding how changes in the atmosphere and oceans affect the Earth’s surface and the lives of people.

It is the ability to use the data to make decisions that will improve people’s lives. This is why we need climate intelligence.

Here are some of its benefits when it comes to managing climate risks.

1. Better understanding of the risks

The first step towards mitigating the effects of climate change is understanding them. And that requires climate intelligence.

If we can understand the risks, we can make informed decisions.

That will help us to reduce the risks and protect the people who live in areas that are already impacted by climate change.

For example, scientists have already shown that we can expect more extreme weather events, like heat waves, floods, droughts and storms. But they don’t know what those events will look like, because they are not yet happening. So, we need to understand the risks before they happen.

2. Protecting people

Climate change is already having an impact on the lives of people. If you live in an area that is already impacted by climate change, you need to understand how climate change will affect your life.

Will the heatwave, flooding or drought make your home uninhabitable?

Will the sea level rise? Will the storm surge affect your livelihood?

These are questions that you will need answers to, and that is where climate intelligence comes in.

3. Adapting to the changes

We need to adapt to the inevitable impacts of climate change. And that means that we need to use our knowledge of the changing climate to prepare for the inevitable impacts.

We can’t stop climate change, but we can adapt to it.

That means that we need to make decisions that will help us protect the people who live in areas that are already impacted by climate change.

We need to make decisions that will help us adapt to the changes that are already happening.

4. Preparing for the future

Climate change will be here for a very long time. So, we need to prepare for it.

We need to decide how we will adapt to the inevitable impacts of climate change.

It is important to remember that we can’t predict the future, so we need to use the data to make decisions that will help us prepare for the inevitable impacts of climate change.

5. Planning for the future

It is important to remember that we can’t predict the future. So, if we are going to plan for the future, we need to make decisions that will help us prepare for the inevitable impacts of climate change.


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