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Managing climate risks across different industries


Climate intelligence is a new way of thinking that helps banks and other financial service providers to understand and predict the impacts of climate change on the environment, the economy, and society. It also enables financial institutions to take informed decisions to mitigate the negative impacts of climate change on the environment and the economy.

By using climate intelligence, financial institutions can reduce their risks and improve their profitability.

In fact, according to a study conducted by Accenture, banks can achieve a return on investment of up to 20 percent on their existing technology investments by using the latest advancements in climate intelligence.


This can give real estate agents, property managers, and homeowners an edge when it comes to selling and buying properties.

With climate intelligence, you can forecast upcoming trends in the weather, which will help you to decide which properties to show and sell.

Climate intelligence can also help you to decide which properties to rent or purchase. For example, if you know that a certain region is going to be hit with bad weather soon, it can help you to plan ahead. Or if you know that the summer is going to be unusually hot, you can plan your vacation accordingly.


Climate intelligence is a process whereby an insurance company can evaluate the risk of an event before it happens. This includes understanding how weather impacts the risk of certain events and how that risk changes over time. This helps an insurance company determine which areas they should focus on and which ones they can ignore.

When an insurer evaluates a specific area, they can identify potential hazards and risks and determine how they can mitigate these risks.

This helps an insurer save money and avoid unnecessary losses. Climate intelligence can also help an insurer predict the likelihood of a certain type of disaster. For example, an insurer could be able to predict a hurricane that’s likely to hit the coast of Florida. By taking action, they could potentially limit losses, even if the storm is predicted to miss their area.

Climate intelligence also helps to make insurance companies more efficient by enabling them to plan effectively.

Climate intelligence can be used to develop disaster risk reduction strategies and also to improve the quality of the insurance products.


It can help ordinary citizens and homeowners make more informed decisions about when to open their windows and doors and how much electricity they should be using.

The key here is that climate intelligence doesn’t require any technical expertise or advanced equipment.

Instead, it provides insight into local weather patterns and helps to predict how these patterns are likely to change in the coming days and weeks. By taking advantage of this data, people can make more informed decisions about their homes and daily lives.


Climate intelligence is an innovative solution to the challenges faced by agriculture producers across the globe. Climate intelligence is a comprehensive tool that provides farmers with key information to make better decisions regarding production, crop choice, and market access.

Using this information, farmers can maximize their profits while minimizing their environmental impacts.

These models can then be used to predict future climate conditions and how they will impact crops. The information can be used to make better production decisions, such as when to plant or harvest. It can also be used to help farmers identify potential market access opportunities and find new markets. Finally, it can be used to help farmers make environmentally friendly decisions, such as how to reduce fertilizer runoff.


As the climate is changing, we need to learn how to adapt to this change. There is a need to plan for the impacts and we need to work on the mitigation strategies.

Climate intelligence can help measure, monitor, and mitigate climate risks like ​​ sea flood, drought, extremely high temperatures, extreme precipitation, forest fire, strong winds, hurricane , river flood.

Climate Intelligence solutions like CLIMATIG aim to help various sectors effectively deal with these risks, from banking & finance, insurance, real estate, agriculture and more.

Contact us here and find out more on how CLIMATIG can help you secure your future.


References for further reading:


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